‘Smart dry’ is a compact portable hair dryer that is designed for those executive class who travel a lot.Its design mainly focuses on solving the problem of the mess created by the regular hair dryer wire and pulling of hair at the air inlet.In smart dry,the wire can be wound inside the body after use.The plug is designed in a way that it sits perfectly on the dryer body thereby making it more compact and easy to carry.

‘Shop easy’ is a handy assembly to provide ease in carrying multiple shopping bags while walking.The product is an outcome of analysis and synthesis of the related problem condering the constraint of minimal mechanical intricacy.It solves the problem of carrying heavy shopping bags as the user just has to pull the weight and not lift it.

‘Multitainment’ compises of a disc player,FM AM tuner,IPod dock,USB port for all kinds of entertainment.Its feature of WI FI router allows the user to browse through the internet on the provided phone and see the output on the TV screen.Multitainment eliminates the need of having a seperate residential phone and an internet connection in the homes.The body is designed keeping
in mind the space crunch and trend of wall mounted televesions.

The buttermilk churner is an electro-mechanical appliance that will make extracting white butter easier for the indian homes.The basic mechanism is an altered version of the mechanism involved in a bi-directional electric citrus juicer.The major focus of this project was to develop the technical aspect of the product by studying existing mechanisms and technologies.

‘crush.cut.contribute’ is a domestic PET bottle crusher and cutter.The product is designed inorder to avoid prolonged use of the bottles and making them ready for recycling.The main focus of the project was to detail out the meachnaical working and intricacies as well as make them visible in the prototype.